About Project

Wider Objective

Enhancement of the role of Higher Education Institutionsin ensuring sustainable development of industry and society, support of national “green policies” in Partner Countries and promotion of "green culture" by means of Lifelong Learning

Specific Project Objectives

  • Development of modules to foster green skills for different target groups and qualifications levels
  • Enhancement of access of target groups to open education resources, promotion of LLL
  • Enhancement of green culture and continuing education through training of teaching staff, external stakeholders and public administration

Expected Outputs and Outcomes:

Analysis of "green policies and practices" in European Union and in Partner Countries
Green Open Education Resources (OER) Repository and Network
Green Training Centers (GTC) in Partner Countries
Green Training Modules (GTM) for Ecology, Food Sector and Land Management


» Project's characteristic features

Green skills will be promoted among different types of learners through lifelong learning channels and using new IT possibilities, starting from results of previous projects concerning curriculum development and sectoral  qualifications frameworks for three complementary subject areas conditioning better quality of life (ecology, food sciences and land management).
Fostering green skills improves quality of courses and positively influences qualifications framework descriptors. We have thus "the flywheel effect": educators gain momentum from a model for continuous improvement.
A systemic approach based on "complex adaptive systems" methodology will be used. It will give theoretical framework for designing, testing and putting into motion "self-organization" mechanisms within the consortium and support feedback mechanisms between the project and its environment.  
Project’s activities and outcomes will have anticipatory character, preparing target groups for future challenges and demands. Although various “green agendas” are present in public space, at the level of both education providers and labour market agents the awareness of the importance of sustainable development and of future needs for green skills and green jobs is still not too visible. Raising this consciousness shall lead to increased self-reflection on the resposibility for the future of our society.

» Activities

WP1  Analysis of "green policies and practices" in European Higher Education Area and in partner Countries

1.1    Analysis of current situation and trends in the EU
1.2    Analysis of current situation and trends in Partner Countries
1.3    Analysis of stakeholders views on "green skills" and education for sustainable development

WP2    Creation of Open Education Resources (OER)

2.1    Needs identification and design of OER structure
2.2.    Creation of OER repository
2.3    Creation of "Green Network" of OER users

WP3    Creation of Green Training Centers (GTC)

3.1    Creation of administrative framework for GTC
3.2    Purchase of equipment
3.3    Training of staff in new T&L methods and information management

WP4    Development of Green Training Modules (GTM)

4.1    Design and development of the Module on Green Skills for Food Sector
4.2    Design and development of the Module on Green Skills for Land Management
4.3    Design and development of the Module on Green Skills for Ecology

WP5    Implementation and upgrading of training courses

5.1    Training on Green Skills for Food Sector
5.2    Training on Green Skills for Land Management
5.3    Training on Green skills for Ecology

WP6    Quality control and monitoring

6.1    Quality Management of project activities
6.2    Quality Management of project deliverables
6.3    Internal evaluation
6.4    External evaluation

WP7    Dissemination & Exploitation of Project Results

7.1    Dissemination events
7.2    Design and realization of of Dissemination and Sustainability Plan

WP8    Project management

8.1    Setup of project web site and communication platform
8.2    Design and approval of project documentation
8.3    Project meetings
8.4    Project administration and reporting

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